Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Moving on up

The family and I are moving on up! JUST LIKE THE JEFFERSONS! Except we're moving to Blaine, and it's not a DEE-LUX apartment in the sky, and there won't be a maid. But we're moving on up! Hopefully this house thing will work out and we will be able to get outta Scotland Green and into the house in a reasonable manner.

I love my new digital camera. I did sell the old A700 which 95% of my pictures looked like crap, and my new Canon S2IS is wonderful, and 95% of the pictures I take are awesome!

I'm now the second one in our family to get a decent motorcycle burn. It's great, because at the end of the day, it's painful and I can't walk! Plus I'll probably get a scar. On the bright side, it kind of looks like a smiley face! Cheaper than a tattoo (and you don't have to try to figure out the accent ((sorry, just a Herve Villachaise joke there!))). Sue me if I spelled that wrong, but I challenge anyone to get that right without looking it up. Right now, it kinda looks like a marshmallow from Frankenberry cereal. Technically, in the cereal business, they're called Marbits. Thank you General Mills corporate shoots!


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